This is the Akagi Character Section. Yes, Akagi’s the star of the series, but it wouldn’t be any fun without other people around to make him look good, right? This series needs its Nangous and Osamus for the contrast they provide.

Let’s start with one of the most important characters:


voiced by Furuya Tohru (古谷 徹)

Where would we be without this guy? Underappreciated and overshadowed by the onscreen characters, he tells us what’s going on when we’d otherwise go cross-eyed from all that hot tile-on-tile Mahjong action. He’s good at it, too. Let’s all give him a well-deserved round of applause!

The rest of the characters are divided by timeframe and rough order of appearance, one section per timeframe/arc. I’ve tried to keep spoilers to a minimum. When possible, I’ve added a sort of character sketch at the beginning of each description for atmosphere. Otherwise, I’d end up with a lot of “this guy stands there while Akagi plays. The End”. Accurate, yes, but a rather dull read. And the Washizu arc is very much a work in progress.

Kanji provided by sukreih and the Akagi Guidebook.

Akagi Shigeru, Nangou, Yasuoka, Ryuuzaki
Yagi Keiji, Ichikawa, Kawada Group Underboss Kurosaki, Takeyoshi Group Boss Miyauchi

1964 – URABE ARC
Akagi(?), Kawada Group Underboss Ishikawa, Kawada Group Boss, Osamu
The Three Factory Workers, Urabe, Fujisawa Group Boss

Inada Group Underboss Ohgi Takeshi, the Kurata Group, Washizu Iwao, Yoshioka, Suzuki

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