Below is the episode list for Akagi. Click on the episode name to get thoroughly spoiled if you haven’t watched it yet. Yes, I’ve watched up to Episode 26, but the write-up will take some time.

I know I’m calling these things “synopses” (summaries), but they’re far too long. It would be more accurate to call them “disjointed ramblings”. The first chunk of each ramble is what happens in the episode. The bottom chunk is pure opinion. I’ve left out any Mahjong info that I didn’t feel was necessary for understanding the episode. It’s difficult to understand the Mahjong stuff without watching the episode at the same time, anyway. And I’m screencap-happy. Enjoy.

Episode kanji from ANN. Translation from the Triad fansubs. All synopses based on Triad fansubs.


1. 闇に舞い降りた天才 The Genius Who Descended into the Darkness
2. 資質の覚醒 The Awakening of Talent
3. 異端の策略 Strategy of the Maverick
4. 本物の無頼 The True Pariah
5. 裏切りの絶一門 The Treacherous Tse Ii Men
6. 悪漢の資質 The Talent of the Villain
7. 無邪気な悪鬼 Innocent Demon
8. 復活の前兆 The Sign of Rebirth
9. 天才の真贋 The Authenticity of Genius
10. 逆襲の予告 The Announcement of the Counterattack
11. 絶望への布石 The Groundwork of Despair
12. 偶機の魔法 The Magic of Coincidence
13. 風雷の軌道 The Path of the Storm
14. 羅刹の新章 The New Chapter of the Demons
15. 逢魔が時 The Meeting With Evil
16. 破滅の闘牌 The Mahjong Game of Destruction
17. 異才の証明 Proof of Genius
18. 呪縛の牌姿 The Chains of the Tiles
19. 鬼神の昏迷 The Bewilderment of the Demon
20. 希望と愚行 Hope and Folly
21. 一縷の幻想 A Ray of Fantasy
22. 作為の足枷 The Contrived Shackles
23. 剛運の威力 The Power of Luck
24. 魔物の意思 The Will of the Demons
25. 殺意の誘惑 The Temptation of Murderous Intent
26. 狂気と闇と… Madness and Darkness and

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